If your tight muscles don’t seem to respond to stretching, you may be stretching in the wrong way. Pulling strongly, bouncing in the stretch, and not staying in the stretch long enough can all be futile. In this blog I explain some yoga techniques that can help, so read on if you would like to learn how to stretch tight muscles effectively.
When new students come to my yoga sessions, I sometimes notice a habit of stretching forcefully, This is done by placing the body in a specific position and keeping it there with a grim face. There is a lot of effort to ‘do’ the stretch. The attitude is one of ‘wanting to stretch’ as opposed to allowing the muscles time to release.
We have to keep in mind that the function of muscles, apart from allowing us to move and keeping us upright, is to protect the joints. When muscle spindles, the muscle sensors, detect a forceful pull, they trigger an immediate protective reaction. This makes the muscles tighten to protect the joints and avoid over-stretching.
This means we have to somehow inform our muscles that there is no need to pull back and that the stretching sensation is safe. It takes time and repetition to retrain the muscles spindles to tolerate more stretch. Calm breathing will help this process by giving the right message to the nervous system.

Another outdated way of stretching is ‘bouncing’, making small, quick movements in the stretch. This is called ballistic stretching and was popular in the 70s to 90s. This way of stretching proved to be not only counterproductive but also harmful and tightening for muscles.
Before we delve into a better approach to stretching, it’s important to say that strengthening is equally essential, and that the right ratio of stretching versus strengthening depends on the individual. If you are already very flexible in certain areas of your body, you may need to strengthen these areas instead of creating a greater imbalance. Most people tend to be flexible in some parts of their body and tight in other parts. Yoga is all about finding the right equilibrium. To discuss how yoga therapy could help you with this, don’t hesitate to contact me here: https://beneyoga.co.uk/book-a-free-consultation-call/.
The breath?
You may wonder what breathing has to do with stretching muscles. The breath is an amazing and powerful tool. As the bridge between mind and body, we can use the breath to relax our mind as well as our body. When we feel stressed or upset our breathing becomes faster. When we breathe calmly we induce a feeling of relaxation, also in the muscles. No complicated techniques are necessary: simply paying attention to our breath in a peaceful setting will calm the breath naturally. When we breathe calmly, without changing the breath but simply by observing it, the mind gets the message that all is well. It knows we are not in a fight or flight situation. Consequently, the nervous system communicates to the muscles that it is safe to relax.
Use the exhalation
Especially the exhalation is helpful in relaxing muscles. When we inhale, the respiratory muscles, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, contract. The heart rate and blood pressure are temporarily increased. During the exhalation the reverse happens: respiratory muscles relax and there is a drop in heart rate and blood pressure. As a consequence, the exhalation promotes the overall relaxation of the body.

No force
Stretching cannot be done in a forceful way. We cannot “will” the muscles to relax by breathing out strongly and as long as possible. The process of stretching takes time and patience. If we do it wilfully and with force, we introduce the element of stress. So all we need is an attitude of quiet attention, allowing the release to happen while being aware of and accepting our limitations.
In order for the muscles to retain the stretch, we have to hold a stretch for more than 30 seconds. This is hard to do if you want to stretch the whole body and you are pressed for time. However, taking time to breathe in a particular position also releases endorphins, our feel-good hormones. Furthermore, it increases serotonin, the hormones that stabilise mood and make us feel calmer. In summary, simple stretching and breathing is beneficial for our whole being.
Next time you stretch your hamstrings, give it time, breathe slowly, and with every exhalation invite the muscles to release a little more. Listen to your body and come out of the stretch when it feels you can no longer relax into it.