If you experience dull and heavy pain in your lower back, one likely cause is tight and weak muscles: lower back muscles tighten and weaken as a result of inactivity and bad posture. Even stress or emotional problems can cause back muscles to tighten. Tightness in the lower back may eventually lead to serious joint degeneration and is important to address. A tight and weak back responds well to gentle yoga stretches and to the calming effect of concentrating on the movements and breathing. Big stretches or forceful strengthening may put already tight muscles into spasm and more excruciating pain, so it’s best to start with gentle stretching. My fourth YouTube video demonstrates some yoga movements for lower back pain relief: a great way to give those lower back muscles some TLC!
Make yourself comfortable on the floor, on a yoga mat or carpet to try the soothing movements from this video for lower back pain relief. They only last a few minutes so if you find them helpful, do them regularly, at least twice a day.
When you bring your knees to the chest, it’s important not to lift the lower back off the mat. If you feel that’s what you’re doing, please keep the knees further away from the body so that the back of the pelvis stays on the floor.
If you would like to find out more about yoga therapy for back pain, visit this page: https://beneyoga.co.uk/contact-beneyoga-yoga-therapy-chiswick/
Alternatively, book a free consultation chat via Zoom here: https://beneyoga.co.uk/book-a-free-consultation-call/.