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“Last year, as a creaky 60+ year old yoga new yoga, I joined a Beginners’ Class with Bene, concentrating on back care. After lockdown Bene moved to Zoom, which she does brilliantly, and I now eagerly do two classes a week.
What Bene does brilliantly is focus, gently, on the individual in a class situation. Everyone is encouraged to do each move, or a variation, that suits them, depending on their ability on that day. She’ll encourage you to do more too, if she thinks you can!
The benefits I feel from Bene’s yoga classes are immeasurable. Back ache, tension around the neck and shoulders, and a long-standing pain in my right shoulder have disappeared almost without my noticing. A strengthened core and a greater sense of wellbeing seem also to have crept magically into my life. She’s brilliant!”



“I started attending Bene’s back care yoga classes in July 2019 and they became a regular activity for me. When lockdown happened, Bene moved her classes online and they work very well. She gives very clear explanations and demonstrations of positions and moves. No one is left behind. I always feel relaxed, good and much more flexible after her classes. As well as her yoga expertise, she uses her knowledge of musculoskeletal anatomy to address the class and individual’s issues and, even though we are remote, it works! I would whole heartedly recommend Bene’s online classes.” Edmund



“During the pandemic when I left London to stay at a family farmhouse in Lancashire, I was so appreciative of the zoom yoga lessons I had with Bene. I need to keep flexible due to the legacy of a ruptured disc injury to my lumbar spine many years ago and the motivation and guidance I get from Bene, who is extremely sensitive and knowledgeable about how to help improve back conditions, is not a luxury but a necessity for me. Whilst it’s nice to be able to interact in person sometimes, I derived equal benefit from my zoom sessions and I won’t hesitate to use this service whenever I am away from London.” Liz



“Zoom yoga with the wonderful Bene has been a driving force to get through the lockdown and unlock my mind and body on a weekly basis …it works and feels as though Bene is in the room. Yes I can 100% recommend and may well be the new normal for the future.” Pete



“Zoom with Bene gives fantastic continuity and development of your yoga practice, both during lockdown when you can’t go anywhere, and after when you can. Highly recommended.” Anne



“Zoom yoga was a lifesaver for me during lockdown. I have a bad knee and the swimming pools were closed (my usual form of exercise).  I normally did yoga once a week but with Zoom I started with two sessions a week then went up to three.  It was easy to fit in these extra sessions.  I’m looking forward to going back to face to face but would love to continue some Zoom sessions in addition since they are so easy to fit into one’s life. I realise I will really benefit from doing yoga more than once a week.” Margo



“Zoom yoga has been an excellent way to continue practice even when physically separated. Bene has the knack of spotting everything over zoom and the lessons are every bit as effective as when she is in the same room with you.” Ben



“I have been doing yoga with Bene for 4 years and was devastated when lockdown was enforced, assuming that would mean no yoga for me.  However, I have benefitted so much from the regular practice online, so much so, that I have increased my weekly practice because of the ease of joining Bene’s class on Zoom.” Jane



“I enjoy Zoom yoga and have benefitted from it, as I can slip extra classes into my schedule without leaving home. It’s especially good if you’re not a self-motivator but want to practise Yoga more than once a week. It is easy to see Bene demonstrating during the class and also to ask questions if necessary. Zoom classes are the new way forwards for busy people, who want to keep fit in their own home. Better than a video, as you can interact with Bene – follow the flow of the class, watch moves demonstrated, get corrected and also ask questions. Classes are kept small too.” Sue



“I had never persevered with yoga; I tried for a few days and gave up telling myself it chewed up too much of my time. However, since lockdown, I have been taking part twice a week in Bene’s Zoom classes. Her clear, calm delivery means I am able to understand exactly what my body needs to do, despite the challenges of technology. She is also very careful to consider our individual needs. I am very happy that I don’t have to spend time travelling to classes and delighted that I have found myself willing to persevere and am now reaping the benefits.” Elly



“I have loved finding Bene’s yoga classes on zoom.  Somehow she manages to make the experience seem personal and intimate despite them being online.  Her lovely voice and her practice are calm, effective and strengthening and I’ve learned so much from her.  I look forward to continuing via zoom even once we have more freedom to meet in person.” Marjorie



“Yoga with Bene is an absolute pleasure and the experience through zoom does not lessen that. She has managed to make it as relaxing and focused as in person. Having the video on means that Bene can still demonstrate and help us with poses and she is always aware of people’s individual needs and what they want to focus on. The ease of practising yoga in a live class from the comfort of your own home makes Zoom yoga feel like a private rather than social experience, truly focused on yourself.” Phoebe and Jess



“I thoroughly enjoy the zoom sessions with Bene. The transition from physical classes to zoom ones couldn’t be smoother. There is still that wonderful personal guidance that Bene offers and I still feel I’m being seen and corrected, if needed, during the class. I certainly hope to come back to face-to-face sessions after the pandemic but probably alternate them with online classes when I need to look after my daughter at home. Whichever way you choose you can be assured of quality and in-depth yoga that will support your physical and emotional health and balance. I have been attending Bene’s classes for 11 years now, trying other yoga styles and teachers in the meantime, but always returning to BeneYoga for a good dose of nourishment and health. Highly recommended.” Monika



“With Zoom being firmly part of our lives now, it is refreshing to use this medium to be active, and have the chance to keep doing yoga and stay flexible and relaxed during lockdown. As ever Bene shows her expertise and amazing attention to detail through her online classes which bring her into your living room and make you feel as though it’s a personal 1-2-1 session. She always has something new and interesting for you to try and listens to how you’re feeling and what you need. I always sleep so well on a yoga day and I know how to manage my back issues.” Sue



“Last year, as a creaky 60+ year old yoga new yoga,  I joined a Beginners’ Class with Bene, concentrating on back care. After lockdown Bene moved to Zoom, which she does brilliantly, and I now eagerly do two classes a week.

What Bene does brilliantly is focus, gently, on the individual in a class situation. Everyone is encouraged to do each move, or a variation, that suits them, depending on their ability on that day. She’ll encourage you to do more too, if she thinks you can!

The benefits I feel from Bene’s yoga classes are immeasurable. Back ache, tension around the neck and shoulders, and a long-standing pain in my right shoulder have disappeared almost without my noticing. A strengthened core and a greater sense of well-being seem also to have crept magically into my life. She’s brilliant!” Beryl



“I started attending Bene’s back care yoga classes in July 2019 and they became a regular activity for me. When lockdown happened, Bene moved her classes online and they work very well. She gives very clear explanations and demonstrations of positions and moves. No one is left behind. I always feel relaxed, good and much more flexible after her classes. As well as her yoga expertise, she uses her knowledge of musculoskeletal anatomy to address the class and individual’s issues and, even though we are remote, it works! I would whole heartedly recommend Bene’s online classes.” Edmund

